Can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore
Can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore

can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore

Though to be fair, they’re not the only ones. Seems Sony insists on its LONG HISTORICAL bad bay corporate ways. To find kids being punished for exploring and being creative seems deplorable.

can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore

We as children were always encouraged to take apart equipment and find new uses or add new features …. When I was a kid, even before attending college for Electronic Engineering. I do know better.īottom line: It’s time to either browse with Tor?or to just shut up about any ?right? to read in peace. I’m guilty of not using Tor myself right now. And both the (D)’s and the (R)’s are in hock to the banksters?pawns for the multi-nationals. The lobbyists run Capitol Hill and the judges come with (D) and (R) after their names. Right now, people don’t have the political power to get new magistrates appointed.

can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore

‘Cause we sure can’t count on the court system to watch out for the public interest. If we wanted privacy more than speed and convenience, then we’d be browsing with Tor. Or we don’t really care about letting third parties poke their noses into our reading habits. I just can’t remember.Īnyhow, this just goes to show that we’re all idiots. I might have visited the website after the news of the suit first broke. Why is it okay to identify people just because they visited a website or watched a video?įwiw, I honestly can’t recall whether I’m personally affected by this or not. its ok for them to hack my pc? but not allowed to watch a video or read something? Reply View in chronology ever sense they installed viruses on music cds that killed everybody’s dvd drive. i recommend everyone do the same just give them so many addresses to look up they will be busy for long time. they keep this up and the entire herd is going to be awake and they not going to be happy when they find out. This is a BIG F U to the american people.

#Can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore free

i will be hitting this video and text with every free wi-fi that i find. but now im going on a quest to find this video and text. im going to help rack there bill i dont own a ps3. think they forget that its people thats building/working doing there job. i know this is already corporate america corps are first american people are last. i just dont understand how judges get so much power they can just ignore the constitution like this. judge must have never read the Constitution before. Collapse replies (5) Reply View in chronology They can’t sue us for treating them like dog-doo on our feet. If a retailer knows that carrying Sony products means you won’t buy anything from them they will react more quickly and cutting Sony of from their revenue stream will make them much more responsive. Stop spending money anywhere Sony products are sold. It seems to me that the same principal would work in this case. It wasn’t long before that contractor couldn’t buy a beer in town and he decided to move along because he didn’t have the guts to apologize. All of her friends got a copy of the list and soon we all had copies. She never said word one to anybody that he had but she compiled a list of every store and business he frequented and told every one of those establishments she would no longer frequent them until they stopped associating with that person.

can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore

A roofing contractor was rude to her while her husband was at work. Boycott anyone that has dealings with the individual and let anyone in on the scam. Watching a video or stumbling upon a blog can get you into trouble now huh? Might as well just start following my old neighbor’s advice about rude people.

Can i get my ps3 serial number if i dont own it anymore